Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter and Slow Sunday Stitching

 Happy Easter everyone, I hope you all have a great day. The ham is in the slow cooker and with pre-prep accomplished yesterday my day will be fairly simple with mainly the preparation of a couple of hot vegetables and dinner will be accomplished. We are still keeping it pretty simple with just hubby and I and our son. But that is better than last year so we won't complain.

Since completing my wall quilt for the Salt and Sand Blog Hop, you can read about it HERE, I have been trying to play catch-up. I was finally able to get these sashing strips cut

for my Quilt Guild project.

I also completed some more blocks for this project

Of course I am always adding blocks to my Leader/Ender project 
I am WAY behind on my Pride and Prejudice embroidery quilt blocks, I wasn't able to get the March block traced off until the 31st 

 I have been able to put in a few stitches but my goal for this Slow Sunday Stitching Day  is to get a considerable amount of stitching done on on it . I also traced off the next block for April, which is the first one on the left of the second row.

These blocks sew up fairly fast so I am hoping to get myself back on schedule. I am doing this project with my friend Lyndsey and I haven't heard from her as to if she is on schedule or not. 

Well, it is time for me to start finishing up my meal, so once again Happy Easter. Til next time stop on over to Slow Stitching Sunday and see what others have been creating. You will find it HERE.



  1. The heart blocks are really cute! I kept our Easter meal simple too, cleanup goes faster that way. Have a wonderful week with lots of happy stitching!

  2. Those heart blocks are adorable! Your Pride and Prejudice embroidery blocks are so beautiful...great idea to use redwork! Looking forward to seeing your progress!

  3. Your strip pieced hearts are lovely, such a good idea.

  4. Happy Easter to you, I love the progress you made on the Pride and Prejudice blocks, and those strip hearts are lovely.

  5. I am not on schedule with the pride and prejudice blocks as I haven't started the March block. I do have time to stitch this week as I'm not working, so hopefully I'll catch up. As you say these blocks stitch up very quickly. Must draw out the April block.

  6. Thanks for taking the time to write this blog

  7. Thank you for the interesting and thought-provoking perspectives presented in your blog posts.
